Thursday, August 30, 2012

Goodbye College Boy's Bathroom

Right now, the hubbs and I rent a townhome in Dallas.  Since our place is a rental, there is not a lot of remodeling we can do.  Our place is pretty blah . . . and being on a limited budget right now due to saving for a house, not a lot about that is going to change anytime soon!  However, one thing changed today: no more college boy bathroom!  Last weekend, I informed Henry that our bathroom is a bachelor pad bathroom and we need to change that!  He laughed and said ok, but didn't know how exactly it was "bachelor padish."

I present exhibit A:

Notice the beautiful shower curtain . . .  All we have had as a shower curtain for the two months we have been in this place is this clear shower liner . . .   It feels so revealing.  Privacy please!  When we first moved into our place, we needed a shower curtain.  I didn't want to decide on bathroom decor right then and there, so we decided to purchase a cheap liner and then buy a curtain once we decided colors.  Well, the liner became our curtain.  For a boy this is fine.  For a girl, this just does not feel homey!  Next take a look at the bright red mats . . . does this bathroom ensemble not just scream college boy bathroom?  These were Henry's at his last apartment.  So, it was time for a change!

I headed to Target today and found a really cute curtain, grabbed a white bath mat and a beige hand towel to make it a little more homey.  I also added some mirrors to the wall that I already had.  I'd say operation make the bathroom less of a bachelor pad worked and for only around $40 it was definitely a success!  :)

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